J Dawn Wasco school khojapur Azamgarh

About Us


J Dawn Wasco School was started in the year of 2011, with an aim to develop kids into happy and confident students. As every parent knows the transformation of a child into a student is such a tremendous leap. 

At that tender age the child needs a comforting and assuring hand to hold on, other than the parent.

We at J Dawn Wasco School provide the assuring hand to your child. we have traditions of teaching expertise and educationally qualified and experienced team to design and execute the curriculum and caring teachers to guide your child.


Our Vision is to make children happy and confident and develope a positive attitude about schooling. Academics and skills will be easily acquired by a child who is confident and sociable. So the primary aim of our institution is to take off the fear and hesitations in schooling practice. Playing is the core by which academics and other skills are introduced to your child.

"You Can Discover More About a Person in an Hour of Play than in a Year of Conversation-Plato"

  • To develop in children the basic skills in Listening, Speaking, Reading, Reasoning and writing.
  • To challenge and extend their full potential Intellectually, Artistically and Physically.
  • To foster Human, Moral and Ethical values along with education.
  • To promote all round development of a child.
  • To stimulate love for a life time of learning.
  • To develop a positive attitude towards self-learning that prepares students for integrated education.
  • To enhance teaching an learning with the use of information and communication technology.

Our motto is to develop a positive attitude about schooling in a child’s mind and to make them more adaptive, sociable and observing. All the activities are designed to inspire a healthy learning experience.Keep reminded that "what we sow in these early years will be multiplied multifold in coming years".